Wednesday 28 March 2012

Turkish party warns of plot to disintegrate Syria

A senior Turkish politician has warned that Turkey’s move against Syria could pave the way for disintegration of Syria with establishment of a Kurdish autonomous region in the country, Press TVreports.

Leader of Turkey's Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) Devlet Bahceli (file photo)

"Prime Minister Erdogan’s meeting with US President Barack Obama in South Korea and his [Erdogan’s] remark that their views towards Syria are completely identical shows that the preparation for the occupation [of Syria] and the plot for disintegration of Syria have become mature,” Devlet Bahceli, the leader of Turkey’s Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), one of the major parties in the Turkish parliament, said in his weekly address to his party in Ankara on Tuesday.

"Just like the territorial integrity of Iraq was not preserved, Syria faces the risk of a similar destiny. The establishment of a Kurdish government similar to that of northern Iraq and a kind of Peshmerga (Kurdish military) this time in Syria, seems inevitable,” Bahceli added.

The MHP has repeatedly warned against any foreign intervention in Syria.

On Tuesday, Damascus accepted a six-point plan by UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan to end the unrest in Syria.

On Monday, a Syrian opposition group claimed that Turkey had promised to set up a buffer zone on the Syria-Turkey border, a plan brought up by Turkish premier more than ten days ago.

About 200 members of the Syrian opposition have been jointly invited to Istanbul by Turkey and Qatar, ahead of the second so-called “Friends of Syria” meeting which will be held on April 1.

Turkey, which shares a 900-kilometer border with Syria, has allowed thousands of Syrian gunmen to take shelter and regroup on its soil.

Meanwhile, a Turkish diplomat said on Monday that his country suspended the activities of its embassy in the Syrian capital city of Damascus.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011.


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